Friday, 30 April 2010

High hopes and low lives...

So another year goes by. It would be a lie to say that I worked hard this year. I am disappointed in myself for not meeting my personal goals, and for not meeting deadlines. I got into a working flow a couple of times only to find myself procrastinating a week later. I don’t know that I have done enough to pass the year but all I can say is that towards the end, I did try. When you find yourself with a heap of work hovering over your shoulders, and you’ve left it too late, you only have yourself to blame for it. The only thing I can do at this stage is apologise. It would be a shame if I did not make it this year, because I have only just found my love for the programs. I have started using Photoshop with great ease and speed. And as for max. The unwrapping and texturing aspects, I have finally got a hold of! So for what I’ve learnt this year; a great deal! Even though it may not have matched the standard of my work. The major area I have failed to meet is that of visual design. Even though my skills at Photoshop have improved allot this year. I haven’t completed enough of my projects. I will be completing the work I have missed now that I am in a working frame of mind, even though it will not boost my grade and even though now, it is too late. Even though I may have failed to meet your expectations this year, I promise that I will not fail myself. I will continue this pursuit of goals until it kills me. I cannot put across to you how determined I actually am! I will be staying in labs until June the 18th because, this blog is just a load of words, it is not actions or finished projects. So all I ask is that you let me prove myself to you and Chris and heather over the summer term. Let me show you how good I can actually be. Here is an example of my Photoshop work.

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